Saturday, June 16, 2012

Dog Collar

An approach for a person seeking ways to save money is this:  Think about what it is you want or need.  What is it?  Can you substitute something in its stead?  Can you find it for less?  Or can you just do it yourself?  Brainstorm by yourself or with someone else.  Often there is a solution that will not cost money.  Try it.

My son’s dog needed a collar so he could carry  his IDs and license on the collar.  He told me what he needed.  I went to a place where I keep all my belts, most of them leather.  I found one that no longer fit me-no comments, please-and took it outside.  I tried it on the dog’s neck to get a good fit.  With a hammer and a large nail I several made holes in the belt and then trimmed it.  My, but that white and black spotted dog looks good with that red collar!  Another savings for this family.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

For Gardening Folks

I have a very good hint for plant lovers and gardeners. If you wish to increase the number of flowering plants in your flower beds, do not despair. Ask your friends about flowering plants and you'll be surprised at how many have plants they are willing to trade with you. A friend gave me an esperanza plant, and we are giving her lariope plants. There...that is the way it works. The same goes for vegetable plants. If you plant using seeds you will more than likely have many small plants to trade with a friend or friends. In this manner you can have a vegetable and or flower gardens that will be outstanding. If you take your grapes as I do and make jelly, presto, you have a Christmas gift for someone who loves homemade jelly. My son makes homemade bread, and he gives some away to friends who have done favors for him. I, too, love his bread. There are so many ways to honor friends and relatives with gifts from your own home. And all you have to do is find the hobby you like. The product may well be your next gift.

Monday, April 2, 2012


When I was eight years old I saw my first library. It was on the second floor of my school, and the sight of all those books covering three walls and going from floor to ceiling mesmerized me. To myself I said, "One day I, too, shall own a library."
And to that end I have worked for many years finally filling my den with books.

Enters the e-book industry. No matter. I still buy books, read books, discuss books, and recommend books. Sometimes I give books. And I buy them cheaply. I buy them at estate sales, garage sales, antique stores, etc. I also use Abe Books and I also go to bookstores, especially Half-Price books.

People who sell at estate sales and garage sales often do not know the value of books. For example, recently (for fifty cents) I bought a new copy of Roget's Thesaurus, a priceless resource book. Also, I have bought past bestsellers and recent bestsellers. Not too long ago I bought many children's books and gave them away to a school so they could give them away to children who don't owe books.

So, if you love books, buy them and don't pay too much for them. Good hunting!